Ever felt the need to hear somebody’s unwanted opinion on culture? Or maybe you’ve been longing for a companion to delve with into the deep void of aural information and noise waves? Or maybe you just want to read a little each month and discover some new things?
Zigzag is a monthly, dedicated blog series by !GWAK Founder Dominik d’Entrecasteaux, focusing on bringing you new art, culture news and music from the depths of the earth.
I’m terrible with introductions so let’s just get into it - this month I wanted to dedicate the first issue of ‘zigzag’ to some of the first musicians that joined !GWAK. A little bit of math rock, a little bit of Lofi, a little bit of prog, some acoustic stuff, let’s get to it.
First up on our list is Elders, a really fun math rock band from the states composed of guitarists Mikey and Jairo, drummer Gabe and bassist Sam. They have such a lovely jumpy sound to their music, with a lot of jazzy progressions thrown into the mix, alongside a pretty hefty collection of effects and beautiful noise. They’re also great people who deserve hugs. Check them out here.
Next up is Grace, a singer songwriter from the UK who blends characteristics of acoustic folk and rock, with clean elements of pop in a very mature and stylised way. She regularly performs in the Guildford area, with some great gigs worth checking out in the Surrey area. You can find Grace here.
Thirdly, we’ve got the Most. I’d say I’ve been listening to the most since I was about 14, and having them join !GWAK was just one of those moments that made me stop and think for a minute. They’re an excellent math rock band, with some fucking gorgeous trumpet noises thrown in there which is all I’ve ever wanted. At times they almost have a “Clever Girl” feel to them. Find them here.
Next is Jake Riordan, or Riordanary as he’s more recently become known. Jake crafts very finely penned beats to his will, utilising every inch of processing power his machines can utilise. The result is a clean, yet emotionally dirty set of tracks that build Jake’s repertoire, with some trap drums and pop progressions, Jake is properly set to carry on with his music career into the next step of his life. You can find him here.
One of the longest standing members of !GWAK is Jon, a multi-talented producer and creator from the states. When Jon joined !GWAK he was really into making smooth Lo-Fi which I just couldn’t get enough of, as he’s progressed I’ve seen him go into a stage of writing very acoustic songs, some more electronic stuff, and now he’s out there writing some big noisey prog / math metal songs with his band, Aura of Birth which I LOVE. You can check him out here.
Alright. See you all next month with some more stuff. Remember to support up & coming artists by either purchasing their music or streaming it on heavy rotation! There’s so much more music out there than what’s given to you on Spotify’s Browse page.
Note: Since having written this, we welcome a lot more musicians to the family, so this post is as of now dedicated to the first few musicians that came to join !GWAK in the early days. Thanks for understanding!